Hi all,
I hope this email finds you in good health. Welcome to the Kids in Christ Latchkey program. I know Ms. Shawna and Ms. Ciara have been keeping you informed of the fluid situation that our schools are facing as we get ready to start the new school year. The KiC staff will also adjust as required to ensure those within our care, and those whom serve on our team, remain safe and healthy to the best extent possible/practical. We are committed to doing our absolute best with keeping everyone within guidelines, but acknowledge the challenges our KiC and school teachers face in this environment.
For those new to the program, a sincere welcome to you. I handle the financial aspects of the program, so please contact me should you have any questions I may assist with.
I'd like to take this opportunity to review some of our policies:
· Tuition fees will be applied at the beginning of each week, payment is due by Friday of that week.
· Statements will typically reflect activities from the previous Tuesday through Monday. This way it captures the day following tuition being applied to reflect payments received until new tuition is applied. I do have a full-time job, so the work I do for KiC is done on nights/weekends. There may still be some timing issue regarding seeing things hit your statement that I send out. Checking MyProcare.com is the best way to view current information.
· We understand payroll doesn't occur weekly, so a grace period is built in. Late fees on tuition will be applied once an account reaches 15 days past due. Payment is due by Friday of the week, so Saturday is Day 1 past due. The next Saturday is Day 8. The following Saturday a late fee will be applied to the account.
· Please do not pay in cash without FIRST informing a staff member. The staff member will count the cash with you and provide a receipt. Placing cash in the dropbox without being counted and a receipt places all risk on you. If the payment is deemed missing and no receipt can substantiate your payment - you will be responsible for making the payment. Our recommendation is to pay by check or credit/debit card for better security and tracking. We are not going to deny cash payments, but please follow these guidelines.
· We don't offer vacation weeks. But understanding the environment we are in, let us know if your situation changes. We'll work with you the best we can, understanding our program can only survive from the tuition payments we receive. Extended absences create revenue issues that someone on the waiting list might be able to resolve.
· Should an account reach 30 days past due, your child's account will deactivate (status will read Financial Hold) within Procare and they will no longer be able to attend the program until all fees, to include late fees, have been paid in full. Our Board will be notified and your spot in the program is at risk of being offered to someone on the wait list. No registration refunds are allowed.
· Holiday camps and early release Fridays are billed based on actual attendance. If you put on the registration form you plan to attend, but choose not to for any reason, you are not billed. Conversely, if you didn't state on the registration form you plan to attend, and then decide to - you'll be billed based on your child's attendance. We place it on the registration form to help give us some idea of interest for staff planning purposes.
Tuition for the coming week has now been applied in Procare. You can see the transactions on your attached statement. You can also access your account via MyProcare.com to view your current statement, year-to-date activities, pull reports for tax purposes, work reimbursement programs, etc. You can also pay your account online via MyProcare.com - use your email address to login. On your first visit, you'll be asked to create your password.
For those that have provided checking/credit/debit card info to participate in the Tuition Express automatic payment option, I will trigger that payment to occur mid-week. Typically, the trigger occurs on Monday for that week's tuition. But I'd like to give everyone time to review their statement before moving forward with this first one. If I don't hear from you, I'll assume you have no questions regarding the tuition.
Please review your tuition fees on this statement and let me know quickly if an error is discovered. Our attendance rosters are based on the programs we have loaded in Procare, so if you aren't being billed for the correct programs then our rosters won't be reflecting your child's attendance properly either. Let us know if corrections are necessary.
Effective communication is the key to success. Let us know if we're not providing you with the information you need, and please keep us informed of what we need - absentee info, changes to schedules, pick up/drop off list updates, etc.
Please be patient while everyone gets accustomed to the check-in/check-out process. Staff will be available to assist with PIN creations and resets. REMINDER - everyone dropping off or picking up must check their student into (morning) and out of (evening) the program via Procare.
Sorry for the length of this email, hopefully you found the information useful. I do hope your child enjoys their 2020-21 school year and we, as adults, are able to shield them from the stressors we are all faced with. May God bless your family and keep you safe, healthy, and happy.
Philip Stratton
Business Manager, Kids in Christ
Highland Hope UMC