Kids in Christ will offer extra care on the following date:
Monday, Feb 21: Presidents Day Camp. Held at Highland Hope UMC, this is a full day care offering. Students will need to bring a peanut/tree nut free lunch on this day.
If you have not already registered your student for these dates, you may do so here: https://forms.gle/y5YnNdnCTYDUCVMt6
(fees applied after attendance is taken, not based on registration)
Some have let us know they were experiencing issues with the Summer Registration button, thank you for the feedback! I have updated the website to correct this issue. If you have not yet informed Ms. Shawna/Ms. Ciara of your interest in the Summer Camp program, the button will now present a very simple form you can complete to let us know.
Registration began Feb 1. Summer Camp field trip and swimming schedules are being posted to our Google Calendar, viewable on our website: kidsinchrist.org, there's also a direct link in my signature block. The team has a lot of fun activities planned.
If you registered and:
Selected Procare as payment method and have AutoPay : the registration and activity fees have been charged to your account
Selected Procare or Check as payment method and do not have AutoPay: the registration and activity fees are reflected on your statement
Selected Check as payment method and have AutoPay: the registration and activity fees are NOT reflected on your statement, this is to prevent the AutoPay from being triggered. Please submit your check ($40/registration, $140/activity per student) in order to complete the registration process and secure your spots.
Registration for the 2022-2023 Latchkey Program will begin on March 1. A very simple pre-registration form will also be used for the Latchkey registration. Because we are still operating under COVID group size restrictions, this initial step is necessary for Ms. Shawna and Ms. Ciara to assess availability. If invited to officially register, the formal online registration form will be similar to what we are using for the Summer Program.
Due to the recent snow days, the school administration has announced the early release planned for Feb 4 will be moved to April 1. A pizza lunch will be provided, or students can bring a peanut/tree nut free lunch if they wish.
If you registered for Feb 4, we'll consider you registered for Apr 1. If your schedule does not require care on Apr 1, just let us know and we'll remove your student from the list.
The previously referenced form is the same for registering or changing your registration for our special dates.
The school asked us to help inform parents of incoming kindergarten students that a phone registration will be held February 22-25. To register or obtain more information, please call the Highland Primary at 654-2107 or Alhambra Primary at 488-2200 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm that week.