The Week 12 Newsletter is posted to our website (kidsinchrist.org) with information and reminders about this week’s activities. Please be sure to review it and our Google calendar, also on the website, to stay up-to-date.
There are many activities planned on campus for the last week of camp, no field trips
Please ensure your camp payments are resolved so we can close the books on summer and focus on latchkey. Unresolved balances will impact latchkey participation and may be a disqualifier for next year’s summer camp.
The school year begins Tuesday, Aug 13. AM and PM latchkey will be available.
Kindergarten has an adjusted schedule the first week:
Tuesday - no latchkey for kindergarten
Wednesday - latchkey available for kindergarten students with last names A-K
Thursday - latchkey available for kindergarten students with last names L-Z
Friday - latchkey available for all kindergarten students
For new parents, and reminder for returning parents, KiC uses the north door (closest to Lindenthal St) of the cafeteria for drop-off and pick-up. Our staff will assist with the Procare kiosk if PIN/Passwords are required. Your PIN/Password does not expire, so returning families will use the same codes as last year. Please remember to have your ID ready to show staff when picking up students.
KiC is working closely with school administrators to determine our process and routines for the new building once it opens. We’ll share those details once they are known.
Reminder of drop-off & pick-up times based on how you registered:
Before school: drop-off no earlier than 6:00 AM
Bit Before school: drop-off no earlier than 7:00 AM
Bit After school: pick-up no later than 5:00 PM
After school: pick-up no later than 6:00 PM
(not adhering to these times will result in additional fees being applied)
For latchkey only parents - if you use the Procare app, your student may not appear until Sunday, August 11. We close the Summer Program on August 10 and open the Latchkey Program on August 11, so you will likely see a message that your child is not enrolled. Please wait until August 11 or you can view your information from the myprocare.com portal.
Reminder that Procare provides a weekly account statement, not a traditional invoice. The account statement shows activity over a specific period of time. I try not to allow dates to overlap because this causes confusion. However, this may omit a transaction that you were expecting to see. You always have access to view your full billing and payment history by logging into your myprocare.com account. You can even generate reports to provide your employer for certain benefits, like a flexible spending account, and full year activity for tax purposes.
If you’d like to sign-up to have payments automatically applied to your banking account, debit card, or credit card, a new option is now available to complete an online form, bypassing the printed form process. A button has been placed on our website that should initiate an email to me requesting the online registration link. The link expires 1 week after being sent, making this request coordination necessary. If the button to email me does not function properly (some mobile browsers don’t like these buttons), simply send me an email to request the online registration form.